Connect to Your Truth

Nicole Lana Lee
1 min readDec 12, 2021

Short Read: 30 seconds

Truth will be revealed to those who open their hearts. The more connected you are to your heart, the more “in tune” you are.

To open the heart, this requires integration of the dark and light aspect within you, through experiences in this life, even those you may not welcome.

When you feel the pain from those experiences, learn to love and forgive yourself, and hence those who have inflicted such pain on you, you open your heart.

But this process cannot be rushed. Forgiveness cannot be rushed. Resentment, anger are all valid emotions.

The more you clear, the more things aligned to you flows to you.

It doesn’t matter who you are where you are from, spiritual truths are accessible to all, as long as you have the intent and curiosity. You’ll have the wherewithal and means to “heal” and hence know the truths.

