How To End Your “Karma”, Change Your Destiny & Future (Updated 2023)

Nicole Lana Lee
5 min readAug 2, 2023

If you notice, the past is inherently “empty” — A second ago, you may have been drinking coffee. Now, as you put down your coffee, that moment of you sipping that cup of coffee, which is a second ago, is already gone.

The past is “gone” — the past is your perception of what happened; you can also call it “your memory.” Most of the time, the past is the meaning your mind has assigned to events which happened.

And such events are inherently empty, be it a kiss on the cheek, a walk on the beach, having children, or more traumatic events like accident, death, and abuse. And most of us, including myself, walk around assigning meaning to our past, and projecting our past into the present and future — in relationships, in work, in life.

In various spiritual and religious traditions, karma is often described as the law of cause and effect, where the actions of a person determine their future experiences and circumstances. The idea is that positive actions lead to positive consequences, while negative actions lead to negative consequences.

Most of us repeat the same thought patterns over and over again, in relationships, at work, even if circumstances don’t “appear” the same. In most cases, this wheel of cycle continues till we die, or even after we die, in many other lifetimes.

A karmic cycle is a repetitious energetic pattern of events and emotions that occur in your life, even though the factors at play may not be identical.

Thought patterns have the power to affect one’s subconscious and hence one’s “destiny.” And we may have inherited such patterns from ancestors, society, past lives.

But to change our “karma” requires us to understand the root cause of our circumstances, which lies in our subconscious mind.

The above requires us to change our deep-rooted subconscious patterns, give up what you know, and dive into what you don’t know that you don’t know.

You need to have the awareness and courage to dive deep into your mind and find the strength to face events in the past you did not want to face.

This requires diving into the shadow. The shadow relates to the subconscious, the part of our subconscious that is repressed.

The shadow is like the dark side of us, but it’s dark because it is unknown. Once we learn to know it, it’s not threatening.

When we repress emotions or parts of ourselves, they become toxic. And when they become toxic, it means that they are going to create repetitive situations that are detrimental i.e. “negative” “karma.”

So, this is imperative to address the shadow and to be able to make friends with our own shadow.

And, the door to really dive into the subconscious are emotions. Shadow work is about connecting with this hidden place within ourselves and reconnect, understand the message of our emotions, and then release the blocked energy.

This is why shadow work is, in my opinion, key to integration and a foundation for awakening.

By doing so, you’re essentially “time traveling” and assigning different meaning to the past, and altering your “karma.” And, once you are aware of the energetic pattern, you can then learn to embrace and then change it.

And your destiny is not fixed — you are not “doomed.”

We have the power to change our course, when we become aware of our past conditioning from childhood, and patterns passed down from our ancestors and past lives, and are willing to resolve the emotions we did not want to feel in the past.

Feeling our repressed emotions and integrating our emotional wounds — shadow work — is key to rewriting our future.

By feeling such emotions, be they negative or positive, instead of repressing them, we are releasing the “trauma” and integrating our wounds, completing our past. This way, we can assign a different meaning to the past and move forward authentically.

We may then realise that every moment is a possibility for us to begin anew.

But before we can deeply understand the above, we need to deep accept the past, which inevitably comes to forgiveness — forgiveness of our mistakes and our “perpetrators.” (And, “forgiveness” can be a painful and arduous process, which cannot be forced. )

To do so requires you to cultivate profound self love for yourself. This self love, includes loving all parts of you — parts of you you feel so ashamed of, reject, suppress and deny.

It is through this profound self love that you forgive yourself. And then you become aware and can choose to not play into your previous karmic patterns and cycle.

You may then start taking responsibility — realising that you took part in creating the past, and that the world is a mirror hologram of your beliefs.

Then, you can rewrite your future based on a different meaning you assign to your past.

By resolving the emotional wounds in the past that are projected into the present moment, you can become more present. And this is a process, that will take as long as it needs.

And you may then realise — your present and future is a blank sheet of paper, and you can rewrite it based on your new beliefs.

To learn more about resolving emotional wounds from the past, please visit and connect with me via Instagram or Medium.

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Remember to check out my other articles on wellbeing here:

#1: How to Change Your Karma, Destiny & Future

#2: Be Present by Positively Embracing Your Negative Emotions

#3: How to Cultivate Self Love and Compassion

#4: How to be Present, Heal & Reprogram Your Subconscious

#5: A Simple Trick From a Zen Master Will Help You Sleep Better Tonight

#6: How to Reclaim Your Femininity, Open In Love + Be Vulnerable

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