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Manifest Flow & Self-Love by Embracing Your Parts

Nicole Lana Lee
3 min readOct 14, 2023


There are no quick fixes in healing. Even some of the most powerful healing modalities, psychedelics and plant medicine, aren’t quick fixes.

Instead, they are consciousness enablers that teach you how to be aware of and embrace parts within yourself that you are so afraid to see. They give you the space to be with all parts within yourself, including parts you want to be rid of.

You probably want to get rid of certain parts because you perceive that they have caused you a lot of pain.

While you may desperately want to get rid of such parts within yourself, I hate to break it to you — These parts will never go away. The more you push them away, the more they act out subconsciously. And they are only begging for your embrace.

And, the pain is intensified when you know deep down that the parts you want to push away so desperately will always be there, which is also why you feel so helpless. Because you feel that you are not in control of such parts.

Pushing your disowned parts away only leads to the parts “re-enacting” themselves over and over again. This is when you subconsciously repeat the same karmic patterns you so want to escape from.

Empowerment is actually turning towards your disowned parts and loving them.

Can you love the parts within yourself which you perceive may have caused you so much pain that you want to cut them away?

Can you learn to turn towards these parts and hold these intimate parts of yourself that you’re so afraid of close?

Breaking your karmic cycle may just mean turning towards parts you’re so afraid of and embracing them. By integrating such parts, they no longer become suppressed so they become integrated in your being.

By acknowledging and holding those parts and your fear of those parts instead of pushing them away, you are cultivating self love and self compassion. And you no longer have to spend energies on resisting such parts. As a result, you are no longer fighting with what is and no longer in resistance to yourself.

As a result, you become more “whole” and you can align your energies and manifest with more ease and flow.

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Remember to check out my other articles on wellbeing here:

#1: How to Change Your Karma, Destiny & Future

#2: Be Present by Positively Embracing Your Negative Emotions

#3: How to Cultivate Self Love and Compassion

#4: How to be Present, Heal & Reprogram Your Subconscious

#5: A Simple Trick From a Zen Master Will Help You Sleep Better Tonight

#6: How to Reclaim Your Femininity, Open In Love + Be Vulnerable

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